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RAPP Quelle Teams up with T-PAIN

RAPP Quelle Teams up with T-PAIN

Local hip hop artist RAPP Quelle is truly taking the Bahamas to the world with his latest collabo with US based hip hop recording artist T-PAIN. “MOTIVATED” was released December 15th on the web and is a heavy hitting track that is meant to inspire and is apart  the prEVOLVEr Mixtape Contest put on by T-PAin. What’s he’s doing is putting out “Motivated” with a blank second verse and letting an emcee’s from around the globe put their hand in the mix

R.A.P.P. Quelle is doing just that as he takes this song to another level, with his gritty style and hard hitting lyrics. …. Check it out and leave your comments …. Bahamas to the World !!! ( or the google !!! ) #LOL

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